Tis the Season…. for Separation Anxiety

Tis the season. No, I don’t mean THAT one, although Labor Day has just passed and we seem to amp up our “ho-ho-ho’s” earlier and earlier each year.

It’s Back To School Season… much to the chagrin of kids everywhere, and even many parents who find themselves dealing with separation anxiety, especially with the wee ones heading off to Kindergarten for the first time.

Most Moms and Dads feel that twinge of worry and doubt as they see their 5 year old climb on a school bus or walk through the school doors. It’s often the first time a parent is away from their child and the first time they have to fend for themselves in the real world.

But, while a stay at home Mom may be experiencing this separation anxiety for the first time, countless working Moms have dealt with it before. Because they need to place their kids in others careful watch long before Kindergarten, many have felt guilty about doing so, about “abandoning” their child for work or career.

But should they?

Most new research says there is no indication that children who experience quality daycare or babysitting do any worse than children whose parents stay home. A stay-at-home parent is not the magic pixie dust that automatically makes a child thrive and be a well adjusted individual. The key word is “quality.”

Kids do well in any loving, interactive, safe and positive environment. That’s what a parent needs to focus on in selecting a school or childcare facility; if the facility has an interactive program with an emphasis on safety, creativity and compassion, children will be fine there.

Working parents – and mom’s in particular –  deal with  separation anxiety long before that first school day arrives. But every parent should take heart: as long as the care facility or school is safe, stimulating, and supportive,  their child will be more than okay.